6 ways Social Security will change in 2020

End of file-and-suspend bonus

In 2015, Congress made two major changes to Social Security claiming strategies, one of which involved the “file-and-suspend” bonus. People who reached full retirement age after April 29, 2016, were no longer allowed to file and suspend their benefits, triggering payments for eligible family members while their own benefits continued to grow by 8% per year up to age 70. The last batch of people who filed and suspended by that April 29, 2016, deadline will turn 70, the age at which their Social Security benefits automatically begin, in 2020.


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As the enormous baby boomer generation marches toward retirement, they are straining the resources of Social Security. Here are six ways the nation’s primary retirement income program will change next year.

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As the enormous baby boomer generation marches toward retirement, they are straining the resources of Social Security. Here are six ways the nation’s primary retirement income program will change next year.

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As the enormous baby boomer generation marches toward retirement, they are straining the resources of Social Security. Here are six ways the nation’s primary retirement income program will change next year.